Murasakino Ltd. was established in Kyoto in 2014. The name of the company was directly based on the area where it was founded: Murasakino. The word “murasaki” means violet or purple in English. This is why we use a lot of purple/violet in our products. In Japan, purple has long been considered a noble color; for example, purple is considered the highest color in the cap ranking system established over 1,400 years ago.
The shade of purple used in our products aims to replicate a dark violet color (shikon-iro). While shikon-iro is a very beautiful color, it is very difficult to use it in a stable way on aluminum products. That’s why we conduct repeated testing to get closer to the ideal color, even if only little by little. This is because the color changes slightly with each production run due to conditions involved in processing and coloring.
We ended up talking a lot about violet. However, we believe I have conveyed our commitment not to compromise on color. Even if the color varies slightly, it has no impact on the sound. Even so, we still want to pursue excellence in this regard.
Here is another example. This is the gold plating of the MC cartridges Sumile and Sumile-mono. The gold plating finish among the cartridges currently in production differs. This is because the plating can be made more aesthetically pleasing by adjusting its luster to match violet and green colors. If we consider only production costs, it would be cheaper to use the same type of gold plating for both. However, we believe this is the right choice.
Our company is very small. Because of this, things like new product development do not always progress as smoothly as we would like. However, we take pride in the products we launch and continue to work hard to further improve their quality even after their launch. All products are processed and assembled by hand by a small number of people in Japan. Even after the products are shipped, we keep a track of assembly details, such as the name of the person responsible for assembly, so that they can be tracked.
An advantage we have as a small company is our flexibility.
An example of a product that has made use of this technology is the MC transformer Nobala.
Nobala uses pure copper (oxygen-free copper) for the chassis, which is rarely found in other products, even in the MC transformers used in chassis made by major manufacturers. Major manufacturers need to purchase materials in large quantities due to their wide sales channels. However, with prices now fluctuating greatly, even major manufacturers would like to avoid purchasing large quantities of pure copper due to costs and risks involved. Since we produce our products monthly after receiving orders, we only need a small inventory of copper sheets; hence, minor price fluctuations can be ignored. The copper sheets we purchase are shipped in designated volumes each month. We can say that Nobala is a product that we were able to create precisely because we do not engage in mass production.
It has been 10 years since the company was founded. Moving forward, rather than focusing on quantity, we will continue to develop each product slowly, carefully, and with great precision.
We hope that our products will help you enjoy music even more.
Company Name | Murasakino Co., Ltd. |
location | Room 208, Eishu Building , 98 Sorincho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-8262, JAPAN *We moved to the above address on August 18, 2022. |
Contact information | Phone/Fax 075-366-6485 Click here for inquiries using the online form |
Business content | Import and sales of audio equipment and related products Click here for available products |